Treat the stiff shoulder as early as possible

Treat the stiff shoulder as early as possible


The majority of people believe that only athletes need frequent visits to a physiotherapist; nevertheless, the reality is that everyone may benefit from one or two physiotherapy sessions each year. Physiotherapy is a kind of treatment that aids in the restoration, maintenance, and maximization of function, mobility, and general well-being in patients. It is especially essential in our day and age when most individuals spend more than half of their waking hours sitting or lying down.

A frequent ailment known as frozen shoulder affects a large number of individuals these days. For this condition to get healed on the quicker side, frozen shoulder physiotherapy works great. Stiffness and discomfort in the shoulder joints are symptoms of this medical disease, which affects the shoulder joints of a person. The discomfort progressively increases before dissipating on its own after a while. However, the duration of discomfort may be prolonged, and it may take up to three years of frozen shoulder treatment to completely resolve the condition.

Frozen shoulder that cannot be moved

When you have a frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, you are experiencing stiffness and discomfort in your shoulder joint. It is common for signs and symptoms to appear gradually, worsen over time, and go completely, generally within one to three years if you’re recuperating from a medical illness or surgery that stops you from moving your arm, such as a stroke or a mastectomy, your chances of getting frozen shoulder rise.

frozen shoulder physiotherapy

The professionals at Rapid Physiocare are completely committed to you and your well-being. They are a physiotherapy clinic in Singapore dedicated to providing the best quality of care to our customers. This entails developing a comprehensive physiotherapy program customized to your requirements to provide the groundwork for a smooth and rapid recovery.

It is unknown what causes some individuals to acquire it, although some populations are more at risk than others.It occurs more often in women than in males, and it is more common in people between the ages of 40 and 60. It is also possible that the risk will increase for those recuperating from a medical condition such as a stroke or a surgical procedure such as a mastectomy that prevents them from moving their arm.


Several primary frozen shoulder symptoms are extremely frequent. If someone notices these frozen shoulder symptoms, they should seek medical attention immediately since the condition may worsen in the future. Stagnant shoulder is characterized by stiffness and discomfort in the shoulder joint as the most frequent symptoms. The individual has the impression that it is almost difficult to relocate to the region.