Understand the safety of emergency contraceptive pills

Understand the safety of emergency contraceptive pills

Accidents do happen in life, and they usually happen when you are least prepared. But that’s just the way accidents are, and you can’t avoid them. When it comes to preventing an unwanted pregnancy, you should plan ahead of time for emergency contraception. You can use emergency syeda contraceptive pill to protect yourself from injuries that can happen at any moment when you are in a sexual relationship. However, since pregnancy prevention is such a delicate problem, you cannot afford to take any risks. This article may be of assistance to you if you are concerned about the safety of common birth control pills.

Almost all ECPs are healthy when used for their intended purpose of preventing unintended pregnancies. One of the most common emergency birth control pills in the UK, ellaOne, has been shown to be effective for 98 percent of women who use it within 120 hours of unprotected sex. On the other hand, Levonelle is said to be an effective contraceptive for 85 out of 100 women. There have been no recorded deaths as a result of taking these pills so far. The benefits of contraceptive tablets could balance the risks.

Women's syeda birth control

There are no significant or long-term side effects from taking EC pills or morning after pills. This is why so many women depend on them, regardless of their current health conditions. Any mild side effects can occur, such as nausea, a slight headache, tiredness, or dizziness. Abdominal pain and tender breasts are common complaints among women. These side effects normally subside after a few days. However, if the side effects persist, consult your doctor. Bleeding can happen to certain women at times. However, by the time the next cycle arrives, it has come to an end.

When compared to progestin-only tablets, nausea and vomiting are more likely after using combined emergency contraception. It is known that half of all women (51%) have stomach problems, and one in every four (23%) vomits. If you throw up within 1 hour of taking any form of syeda contraceptive pill, your doctor may ask you to take another dose because your body didn’t have enough time to absorb all of the hormones in the medication.

If you don’t have any side effects, don’t worry. After taking emergency contraceptive pills, several people are fine for the next few days. However, if your cycle is delayed by more than a week, you can get a pregnancy test. It’s possible that an unexpected delay in your next cycle means you’re pregnant.