Understanding the Rights of the Elderly

Understanding the Rights of the Elderly

Putting a parent or loved one in a nursing home is never an easy decision. However, in many cases this seems like the best solution for an elderly relative who wants to maintain some degree of independence but cannot live alone.

Many of today’s Nursing home articles are reputable places that provide exceptional care, but there is always the possibility that your loved ones will become victims of abuse or neglect. In this case, find out when to seek help from lawyers.

Seniors Act protects nursing home residents

Fortunately, the government has implemented several nursing home law reforms to protect residents and their families from abuse in nursing homes. One of the most comprehensive is the Nursing Home Reform Act 1987, which outlines the rights of residents, including:

  • Availability of resources and services for the highest level of operation;
  • Freedom from unnecessary restraints, including physical restraint or drug use, unless prescribed by a doctor for a limited and specific period;
  • Confidentiality, including confidentiality of visits and telephone conversations;
  • The right to have and use your personal belongings as long as they do not violate the rights or safety of others;
  • The right to be notified in advance of any change in a roommate or change in living conditions, such as a transfer to a new room;
  • The right to consult with a representative of the senior law;
  • The ability to manage finances and have access to your own money;
  • The ability to set your own hours for sleeping, waking up, eating, choosing your own clothes and other daily activities;
  • The right to leave at any time; Y
  • Freedom from coercion, intimidation, or fear of retaliation from employees.

The regulations set out additional rights that may belong to your loved one. A senior abuse attorney can discuss this with you in more detail and help you choose an institution that complies with all aspects of the Reform Act.

Nursing home articles

When do you need a lawyer?

If you suspect that a family member has been the victim of abuse or neglect in a nursing home, you should immediately begin to closely monitor their actions. Monitor your health, alertness and needs on a daily basis, including how and when employees respond to those needs.

If you think there is a problem, ask for a meeting with the director of the nursing home and clearly describe your concerns. The principal should be able to resolve the issue in a way that makes you happy, but if you feel that nothing has changed, contact the ombudsman at the nursing home. This is a state-appointed patient advocate to resolve such disputes.

If the situation is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you should consult with a lawyer experienced in matters related to senior legislation. While you can resolve the issue without going to court, it is best to work with an attorney from a nursing home so that your loved one is represented by an attorney who can effectively represent the case if you have to file a claim with the center.